Falcon359 DBZ/GT Page
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    [1/28/2000]--- Hey this is the first update since launch. I have now added a Pic Gallery which u can get to from the links section Please bear with me I has I update the site I'll have the Pics fully loaded my by 1/31/2000.

[1/29/2000]--- The Active Update of this sight continues at exactly 1:40 AM Eastern Standard the gallery sections went online folks Please partake of the many pics we have. Next up movies section.

[1/29/2000]--- Ha Ha! The music archives along with the pics are now online download your music now in the Music Gallery. Also, pretaining to Rogue Spear, go to Rogue Spear Database for the News, Info, and Mods for R6, and Rogue Spear.

[1/30/2000]--- Ok....here's the low down I am still working on the Villains, Attacks and, Movies section of this page. The Attack List !will! be up by tomorrow and then Villains by monday......and.....Movies a year or so later(j/k) in one to two weeks. Thanks for your patience. I will also be opening a fan art section so send it all to

[1/29/2000]--- Hey ok I fixed all the defunct links and the villains section will be up by Friday.

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DBZ History

Dragonball Z was the sequel series to one called Dragonball. Both series were written by Akira Toryama and DBZ/GT have becom the
most popular anime show ever.Dragonball is about a young saiyan, who crashed landed on earth, that meets a girl named Bulma who
happens to be lookin for seven dragonballs. Goku just happened to be carying one which Gohan had given to him, so the two teamed
up to look for them with Yamcha and they were in constant conflict with Pilaf the leader of Red Ribbon.Later on, Goku marries Chi-Chi,
a girl who he had met in Dragonball earlier, and this marks the beginning of Dragonball Z. Dragonball Z follows Goku, Krillin, Gohan,
Piccolo and the other Z fighters through many different sagas, The Radditz Saga, The Saijyin Saga, The Freeza Saga, The Cell Saga,
and the Buu Saga. This site has all the info you will ever need to know.

Dragonball Z/GT
Who is your Favorite DBZ/GT Character




All material on this site it copyright protetcted, ©2000 Jonathan McColgan . Except for those things found in the Music Gallery.